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tv   Today  NBC  January 22, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PST

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i'm leaving you. look what's .haing. look at me. i'm sorry. >> it's like an elliptical. >> wait, slow down. don't hit me. >> t brakes, the brakes. >> okay, watch me turn. wait, wait. i want to point out my turn. oh, i'm sorry. and here's sara on a tread wall. >> trying to get away! >> we'it we're going to be exer the entire -- >> wait a second. so we're going to meet up with you later. i think jill, we're going to meet up later. by the way, i've got to say i'm already a little winded. so if you guys are in the gym working out, we feel your pain. we're going to work out.
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>> i'm reading the bible. >> come on. >> rise and shine. >> me and him. that's it. >> there's this crazy stair climber, like actual steps. it's painful to walk up those steps. but it gets your workout over quickly. i'm dying. i'm dying. and i do it with music because there's no other way to do it. ♪ lost in emotion is it over? seriously. is it over? if i can do 30 minute, i can do everything all day. i thinkn't a the booze. kathie and i drink on the show. that doesn't work out into part of this head. but i think you worked out. that's why i can go for the bottle of red. let's point out what we're doing. we are going to spend --
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>> i'm exhausted. >> -- an entire hour on bikes, on treadmills. and there's a reason that we're doing this. okay? >> what is it. >> i thought we had done it every year. apparently the last time we did it was two years popping a lot of people are in the gym. you know what else we're not doing? >> we sort of made a deal, sort of a deal with "ladies' home journal." >> it was kind of a bribe. we could get on their cover if and only if -- >> rarely do they put people over 50 on their cover. >> they said yes if we give up drinks for one month. >> we said okay, for one month. we have no problem with that. we want to say hello to danielle. she tweeted us. joining klgandhoda giving up
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wine for a month. >> i tried doing that for january. hasn't worked out so well. we're a little worried about lizzie. >> let's check it out. let's see what the great futures are doing today. we heard what it's about. >> we're sitting at a fit desk. i've got too much work to do, i can't exercise. they're taking away all your excuses is basically what's happening. >> we're going to work out and watch the show. number one, how many calories are you burning and we have a camera and jill martin across the street at equinox where she's going to give some of the people a little minimakeover.
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hello, look at you. we love the knicks. what's your name? >> samantha. >> do you watch the show every day when you work out? >> i usually dvr it and watch it in the evening. i'm usually at work. >> why aren't you at work right now? >> i'm taking a reverse half day. >> hi, guys. everyone is already sweating. i see you're waping the show. what's your name? >> lauren. >> where are you from? >> originally from knoxville, tennessee. >> i see you went to indiana clearly. tell me about your outfit here? >> indiana, just wearing a big t-shirt from my dad's closet. and soccer shorts from eighth grade. >> wow, stunning. i think we're going to give you a little minimakeover today.
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what do you think? >> really? umm, yes. >> are you excited? >> absolutely. >> we're going to reveal you in half an hour. her father used to baby-sit you. >> what? what is his name? >> in morgantown, west virginia. >> what's his name? >> mark sheaffer. >> we're going to find out what you were like as a child. we're going to come over. >> thanks, yil. . >> if you're wondering how many calories you're burning. if you're on the bike with us on average, you're going to burn 292 calorie s on the bike. >> that depends on how fast you're going. >> and if you're on the elliptical, you're going to burn just under 500 if you're going at moderate speed. >> and on the treadmill at 3.5 miles, just kind of walking. you're going to burn about 315.
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so you might get a little thirsty while you're doing that. if you can't drink what you want to drink right now, my friends down in florida and michigan, came up with a concoction that i just love. we call it our weird drink and we have some guys coming over -- >> here it is. >> it's back there. >> we got a little help. my weirda drink. >> are you hold enough to be on television? >> you're chris and todd? >> yes. >> and who are you and what are you doing here? >> she won't give me the drink. >> but it's so good. >> it really is. it's fantastic. >> these guys, during the course of the show, they're going to show us, since we can't have wine or anything else with alcohol in it, we're going to find things that are of comparable calories to the wine. other things that we can drink that might be delicious. >> or maybe not.
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>> anyway, we're probably going to need some music. >> yes. >> thank you, boys. >> thank you very much. >> now i'm stuck with it. >> i can put it on my fit desk. >> these are the most popular workout songs. can we start with mine? ♪ your heat beats to the beat of the drum ♪ ♪ . >> she's got the right rhythm. i know this is a winner because i listen to this when i'm in the gym. how about this one by pit bull. go, crank it. ♪ we're going to die young ♪ everyone has the >> my favorite one. >> this is a good drink, fwi the way. >> it's got spinach and fresh
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mint. pineapple, pineapple juice and a banana. it looks like -- >> it's delicious. >> i don't want to bring up al roker's name right now. >> let's give you the pit bull song. it will put you in the mood to work out. >> they don't have pit bull. you don't get everything you want in life. >> how many calories have you burned? >> 10. >> wait, have we? >> there you go, hoda. ♪ ♪ >> all right, we told you guys sara is outside.
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sara is on this crazy contraption. it's called a tread wall. it's like a climber and you go vertically. tell us about it. >> it's a cool workout. it kind of feels like i'm playing. this one i can do about five seconds because mama is sdil in january. she hasn't lost her weight yet. >> this really hurt my hieny. >> sara's got it going on. we're talking to a great lady. she battles thyroid cancer. she overcame it. she's got a workout dvd. she's a busy lady. she's healthy and sexy. >> we can do that, can't we? >> we're going to tell you what you can be eating instead of
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those liquid calories. ou wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion.
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alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. [ hosmer ] my self-confidence just went through the roof. [ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. we'll make them army strong. talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. find out how at
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the busy mother of four is helping other women lately. >> she has two new fitness dvds out. >> because one is just not enough. >> we're so glad you're with us. >> we heard about your health scare. >> quite a skir care to last ye. >> who looks at your neck? >> you had thyroid cancer. how did you discover it? >> raegular physical. little tiny lump. it's been only a month. i'm already back. it's kra s talking fitness and
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cancer at the same time. >> exercise for the mind, body and the soul. and not being able to work out when i was recovering, that was really, really tough. >> you have uh how many kids, four kids. >> the reason i desooened and choreographed this dcd, lots of booty burning, lots of cardio. >> when it came to your illness, a lot of people wonder what the right approach is and how to talk to kids. how did you end up doing it? >> such a good question. i wanted to wait a while for the kids because i didn't have the surgery for several months. my 6-year-old, she turns 6 today -- i'll be home by tonight. but she saw a little snipet of the video i published myself. she said mommy, you're having
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surgery and you didn't tell me. i don't know if they could understand the concept of the cancer. but they were very supportive. my older girls had a harder time. but with kids, it's about being honest, being thorough. doing your facts and sharing it with them. >> and sharing with them as little ooze you need to. >> i said i'm okay, i have a little lump and i'm going to get it removed and mommy is going to be just fine. >> can we get off these? >> since we have to. >> let's go have some fun. >> you have a different concept of fun. >> i don't even want to look at her. >> so every move is incorporating multiple body parts. abs are in, tummy tight the whole time. you take up up right here, 90 degrees on the knee. up and breathe. all the way down. you should feel it in the thighs
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and in the abs i'm going to show you another move. >> so grab the weights. tummy in. you're going to -- three pounds. raise your knee, draw your belly button in, find your balance. stretch and lift your leg and squeeze the glute. you can fall out of these but find your balance. down, shoulders, booty, lift. >> i'm going to show you my fave have it part of the workout. it's called the booty burn. flex your foot and we just lift up. up, up, high as you can. squeeze the booty. >> it is squeezed. >> fast, fast, fast, you got it. you got it. you got it. stronger, tighter, higher. >> how many calories are we b n
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burning? >> coming up next, we're going to whip kids into shape. how to look stylish while you're sweating. one lucky person gets a minimakeover. hours? i played a round of golf. then i read a book while teaching myself how to play guitar; ran ten miles while knitting myself a sweater; jumped out of a plane. finally, i became a ping pong master while recording my debut album. how you ask? with 5-hour energy. i get hours of energy now -- no crash later. wait to see the next five hours. i'm baby swiss. whaaaa... [ laughs ] what about now? i suppose that's... i'm you! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheeses to mature before we bake them into every delicious cracker.
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because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! i've got two tickets to thanparadise!l set? pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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>> sara in the city time. we had to get to our own sara haynes moving in the city. you remember the president's physical fitness test. >> i cringe doing that. do you remember the long jump and all those things? who could forget that. we sent sara to find out what the kids are up to now. >> i visit new york city elementary school where the students are prepping iffer their annual fitness evaluation. it was more of a workout than i bargained for.
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today i'm at ps 64 in new york city. i heard they're prepping iffer their fitness test. with my healthy, i can beat a 10-year-old attitude, i jumped right in. >> we have a special guest participating with us today. her name is sara. say hello. >> now, i remember the president's challenge physical fitness test when i was a kid. these days, kids are taking the fitness assessment. dud there are four stations set up as part of their test. push-ups. do we have to count? >> the shuttle run. of i win! i win! >> you're younger than me! by only a couple years.
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i want to know where the shuttle is. i'm not doing this by foot. sit ups, and jump rope. >> they just told told me not to use one of the water fountains because there's stuff in it. >> i realize there's all room for improvement. >> we all need improvement. >> push-ups. >> jump rope. >> push-ups. >> probably nothing. okay, go on. >> but one area i sure i aced? hugging. >> of come on in. don't hurt us, though. >> maybe we should work on that one, too.
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okay, guys. this is the one i dreaded the most. i chose it for you. you're going to reach as high as you can. one, two, three. so you're not -- there's no measuring. she's the little engine that could. kathie won. >> you're still not there. what's next? >> no, i got it. i got it. i got it. plus presents the cold truth. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth!
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[ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. man: at turbotax, we know this is more than a paycheck. we know all the hammering, driving, writing, nursing, and teaching it took to earn it. so we give you the power to keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. our customized interview covers everything from a service member's deployment, to a student's loan interest, right down to a teacher's crayons. you've worked hard to earn your money. we're here to help you keep it. turbotax-- the power to keep what's yours. try it free at have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities
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while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. we're back. we're exercising but we also
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gave up alcohol for the month. >> it says i burned 90 and you burned 140? >> that sounds about right. >> the woman who made us give up the whole entire thing, the health director of laid "ladies home journal." >> i hate her. >> we're kind of against you at this point. >> so you ear going to show us the cover or no? >> how better to reveal. >> ta-da. >> we get to fight over it because there's only one. >> thank you, honey. >> i think one of the things is when we drink wine, we don't just drink wine. we jerry-ize it. >> one serving of wine a day for women is healthy. but one receivering equals five
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ounces. >> that's just wrong. >> most people don't realize how little five ounces is. >> show us. come on, guys. show us, please. >> that's what you're supposed to the. >> that's what you're supposed to have. >> which one? >> that's ridiculous. >> it's not our fault. jerry does the pouring. >> there's 250 in the jerry pour. >> that adds up to a lot. if you gave up that 10-wouounce pour, you could eat instead a lot of good stuff. >> let's bring out our -- by the way, all these cute guys are from fly wheel. these are some of the things you can have. >> for 250 calories, you could eat eight pups of popcorn. a whole bunch of whole graen
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chips and salsa. if you want something fatty or sweet, half a cup of ice cream. >> what would you choose? >> i don't like the red as much as i like white so for that i would probably go for the chips or the popcorn. a. >> champagne is something we enjoy. >> you more than i do, hoda. >> you're right. >> tell us about the healthy equivalent if we wanted to give up champagne? >> about 80 calories a glass. most people have two. you could have a filet mignon. >> what? >> and bacon? >> or 3 1/2 strips of bacon. >> what else is over there? >> 22 almonds. and oh, macaroni and cheese. >> wow. >> all right, that puts it in perspective. >> it sure does. >> definitely does. thank you so much. >> your liquid calories don't make you feel full so you don't even know that you're drinking
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your calories. >> let's talk about sangria. 300 calories. >> you could have your whole lunch. a slice of pepperoni, a chocolate cupcake. >> you know what, it is pretty cool. we're giving up wine for the show. and during that hour of television, we could save a lot. >> they're going to drink in front of us. >> that's just really rude. >> we have your wardrobe makeover right after this. every year we pick a new city to explore. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates
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every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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♪ look at that body i work out ♪ >> we want to point out that during the commercial break we are not sitting around eating.
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>> not on our egyptian butts we're not. >> this is the commercial. i know it looks like the regular show. at this point, my calorie counter is broken. >> let's look at the calorie count. mine's broken. >> whether you're doing yoga, running, biking, lifting weights, some ideas to help us look stylist, contributing ed for "people style watch." >> that's adorable. >> we have different looks on different body types. these the newest, trendiest as we go into the fall. dana in the yoga wear. >> look how cute the pants are.
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>> and then personal personalized yoga mats. monogrammed for $27 including the monogram. >> i like it. >> so cute. >> people like to spin and that's the new trend. that's what we were trying to do. >> i hate spinning, it's so hard. >> this is lulu lemon. >> it just shows all the different ways, that's a huge trend now. wearing lace in your workout wear. 's just how you put it together. i love this jacket. it's great for running. and this is a great water bottle made with glass with rubber around it. eco friendly. >> i would never pick this as a running outfit. >> looks like tennis. >> i ran a marathon with an
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outfit like that. it covers up a little bit. >> did you finish the marathon? you did two? oh, my gosh. this is my moving comfort. look at these headphones. they wral around the back of your head so they don't get in the way. >> i do need those. >> look at the bicycle shorts. >> darling. >> that would be great for tennis, too. >> requestive if you love to lift weight, we have our twins. you can wear it one way. then you turn it around and wear it the other way. >> i love all of their stuff. their t-shirts especially. you can sweat but you don't feel hot. they're great.
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>> this is great. the towels are amazing. one side says gym and the other says skin. and the sneakers are from new balance. >> and finally, our makeover girl. >> what a difference. look how adorable you look. >> look at our before picture. >> what's she got going on? >> these from from equinox. she's just getting back into working out. you have to feel good while you're working out. she said this is so great, you have to motivate me. and again, her father was your baby-sitter. >> let's bring all of our ladies out. >> coming up, high-tech gadgets that are going to help you stay motivated.
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>> it's time for "today's tech" and new gadgets to make it easier to get in shape. here's cool tools. and speaking of tool, shall we just get towelled off a tad. >> as we're getting dabbed, we are wearing these calorie counters, which mine is broken. they read the calories. can anyone get one of these and stick them on their waistband? >> absolutely. these are the fit bit one. essentialry you put it on like you ladies did. it's going to tell you how many steps you take, the calories you burn. >> we put them on right before we started the show.
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>> yes, we did. we sure it. >> i guess it doesn't really matter who's in front. there's an at-bat that i heard about called the charity app. >> it's a free app you down load on your phone. it's combining fitness and philanthropy in one. anything from autism speaks to feeding america. you decide if you want to bike, run or walk. every time you bike, you earn 10 cents per mile. every time you run or walk, 25 cents per mile. you're making a big difference doing something good for yourself and others, too. >> there's something out there. >> this is called zombie's run. this is a very interactive app. it's a fun audio book. the minute you put your
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headphones in -- >> i don't get it. >> jerry's had practice. >> you are being thrown into this post apocalyptic world where you're being chased by zombies. you have to run away and save yourself and save the world. >> i want to know about this waterproof mp3 player. >> this is great for swimmers who want to listen to music while they're swimming. >> great. it can store up to 1,000 songs and it's waterproof up to three meters. >> but where do i get her thighs? >> thank you, sweet. >> another gadget for us. >> this is a ganl jet for interval training. that's about high intensity and low intensity workouts, but timing is so key. this goes on your thumb. it keeps you on schedule. if you listen closely, it beeps
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every 15 seconds or so. whatever time you want. that's going to let you know it's time to move on to your next set. unlike stopwatches anticipate stuff, you don't have to look at the watch. it will give you audio cues. >> i would love to know how our calories look. >> come on now. >> oh, my. >> you know what, something is broken. >> fitness trend, feeling the burn without being bored. my headache, i don't think.pip aspirin is just old school. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast.
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what's different? it has micro-particles. enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of pain. visit today for a special trial offer. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities
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while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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>> with eoar going to talk about indoor surfing.
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what's this called? >> surf, set and sand. we're surfing, just without the waves. >> the point is to work your core? >> the point is to use the whole body, but the core is key. you oar going to paddle out, pop-up and then ride that wave. push up. almost like a yoga move. you've got this. >> this is so easy. >> it's so easy. just like surf. pretend you're going to ride the wave. stay there. pretend you're riding the wave.
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now toss it to me. i'm on the shore, i'm your lifeguard. >> this works abs? >> the entire core. >> i think i burned four more calories. let's go to sara down stairs. >> next up, we've got the boring busters, i think it's called. we've got trx. i'm here with lisa, who is a master trx instructor. what is trx? >> trx is a training company. we have product gear and programming a and education. and our focus is on improving human movement. >> wasn't this created by someone who said you could take it and do it anywhere? >> you can do it anywhere. it was created by a navy s.e.a.l. it's perfect for new york, small spaces. >> what we're going to do first. go ahead and put your right into
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the left. s sara is a pro. she's been on the suspension trainer before. hands on her shoulders. going to lift yo you are hips. do a couple of remembers of that. then just rest on your knees. lift your lips up. it's core strength all the time. that was great. >> you could hang this at home, eigh right? >> yeah. the new home kit comes with down loadable workouts. it's like having a private trainer when you're at the park, at your house. >> you can make modifications to make it easier or? >> it's for all levels. you're going to come down into a press, keeping your plank, lift your hips, tuck your legs in, good work. >> that's going to leave a mark. >> it's total body.
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>> thank you so much. that was an awesome workout. >> going to kathy. >> number three in our boredom busters, bollywood. we have two beautiful ladies to tell us what we're going to be doing. great to meet you. it's all about wonderful dancing we see in the bollywood movies. >> it's based on bollywood. we take a fitness approach to it. you squeeze your muscle, you're jumping, squeezing but most importantly, having fun. >> show us a little bit, please. >> let's start with the knee lift. the fun part is adding the arms. it's a full body workout. that's it. >> that's not easy.. >> we're going to tell everybody
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else dance with us, daps with us. that's it. doing whatever we want. >> it's time for the big finale. we' been working out through the entire show. here's the calorie count. come on, girl. come on. >> 285 for me. >> mine is broken. >> 11 years older than hoda. >> see you tomorrow, everybody. >> bye.
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jeff: cri minal mind and his match making mom. >> i'm looking for the mother of my grandchildren. >> i don't mind being daddy but not that kind of daddy. jeff: who contacted who? >> he contacted me. jeff: her aspiring love story. are you going to go blind? >> that's a for sure. >> i do look at her body a lot. jeff: hello, hello. [ applause ] roll it! all right. a little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on this show. and i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show 'cause there's a lot to talk about. this is the adventure. [ applause ] welcome to the show. big show today. have a seat. thank you very much. a


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